Women to Watch is an exhibition program designed to increase the visibility of, and critical response to, promising women artists who are deserving of national and international attention. Every two to three years, the National Museum of Women in the Arts hosts an exhibition featuring underrepresented and emerging women artists from the states and countries in which the museum has outreach committees. Each exhibition focuses on a specific medium or theme chosen by the museum’s curators.An outstanding contemporary curator, selected by the committee and approved by NMWA, nominates a short list of artists working within the chosen medium. NMWA’s curator then selects a single artist from these nominees for the Women to Watch exhibition in Washington, DC.
Support MA-NMWA and Women to WatchYour MA-NMWA membership and tax-deductible contributions make it possible to highlight and champion women artists and art. For information about opportunities to get involved, contact MA-NMWA. | Women to Watch Exhibitions
2024: New WorldsHow extraordinary times inspire artists 2024 national exhibition: New Worlds 2020: Paper RoutesContemporary artists working in paper 2020 national exhibition: Paper Routes 2018: Heavy MetalEmploying metal in a myriad of ways to highlight the material’s brilliance, texture, and color 2018 national exhibition: Heavy Metal 2015: Organic MattersExploring the relationships between women, nature, and art 2015 national exhibition: Organic Matters 2010: Body of Work: New Perspectives on Figure PaintingExamining innovative approaches to a traditional subject--figure painting 2012: High FiberExpressive forms centering on themes of nature, history, and the consuming power of making 2012 national exhibition: High Fiber 2008: PhotographyA diverse selection of works in color and black and white 2008 national exhibition: Photography Rebecca Hutchinson, Patterns of Nature (detail), 2014; Porcelain paper clay, fiber, and organic material, 10 x 36 x 96 in.; Courtesy of the artist. |